6 Sports That Help You Relax And Calm Down

Published on 01/13/2021

Life without stress is almost unimaginable in today’s modern world. A lot is asked of us because we live in a performance-based society in which you have to be at least as good and as fast as the others to get through. Stress does not only arise in a professional environment. We also have ambitious goals in our private lives. A fancy car, relationship, family, a beautiful house in the countryside and, best of all, many exclusive hobbies. Help your mind become in tune with your body and the world by exerting yourself physically. In this way, you can find peace and also do something for your health.

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6 Sports That Help You Relax And Calm Down


This is the classic and most well known among anti-stress sports. Yoga is very strenuous and requires a high level of concentration. You strengthen and stretch the muscles and practice self-control and self-awareness. Yoga will give you inner peace and strength that will make you fit for almost anything.

Walking and Hiking

Going for a walk and hiking has always been an effective recipe for clearing one’s mind. The contact with nature, the fresh colors, and the silence are a great contrast and relaxation for the senses. Do you have a lot on your mind right now? Then go for a walk by yourself, put your thoughts in order, and after an hour or two come back with new ideas and a fresh mind. It really helps!


Pilates is gentle, holistic physical training and, in addition to the fitness aspect, also focuses on breathing, posture, and coordination. The center of the body is the focus: trunk, stomach, back, and pelvic floor. In contrast to yoga, where many exercises are held static, the work here is fluent, supported by aids such as balls, rings, or ribbons.


When you swim you are literally diving into another medium. You become weightless in the water, and you can simply switch off from everything that is going on in the world. This also makes it easy to let go of the worries of everyday life and just to drift. Those who are sensitive to noise should avoid water parks during school holidays and swim laps in a sports pool.


Qigong is all about concentration and movement. It is the Far Eastern alternative to Indian yoga. Here everything happens slowly and carefully – so meditation meets gymnastics. Strength lies in calm. You can also take these with you into your everyday life.

Tai Chi