After their mother posted pictures of Megan and Morgan Boyd on Instagram, the internet fell madly in love with the “Trueblue Twins.” Stephanie Boyd began posting pictures of her twin daughters when they were four years old, dubbed the “Trueblue Twins.” Over 166,000 Instagram users were drawn to the twins’ unique beauty. These two young beauties have a huge number of followers that can’t get enough of them. Here are a few of their most well-known images… Continue reading to see how they are today!
They Were Born On The 6th Of June, 2011
Megan and Morgan Boyd, twin girls, were born on June 6, 2011. Stephanie, their mother, fell in love with her daughters at first sight and knew there was something particularly unique about them. The girls were born with stunning eyes that drew the attention of anyone who came close enough to look. Stephanie was ecstatic to welcome Megan and Morgan into the world and knew she would enjoy being their mother and father.

They Were Born On The 6th Of June, 2011
“Trueblue Twins” Was Their Nickname
It’s usual for twin parents to come up with a nickname for their children. But sometimes it’s their last name, followed by the words “sisters,” “brothers,” or “twins.” However, the “Boyd Sisters” do not do these women justice. These young ladies are certain to have a good future ahead of them, and their mother predicted that they would become celebrities right away. Stephanie began referring to them as the “Trueblue Twins” because of their distinctive blue eyes, and the moniker stuck.

“Trueblue Twins” Was Their Nickname
Posting Their Photos
Stephanie enjoys posting photos of her baby girls on media platforms for her friends and family to see, as do most new moms. Her friends and followers are awestruck by the Trueblue Twins, which she posts photos of on her Facebook and Instagram accounts. Megan and Morgan’s stunning blue eyes made them instantly identifiable, and no one could deny how unique they were. The ‘likes’ started pouring in. Although they aren’t wearing matching outfits in this photo, we can expect to see a slew of “twinning” looks in the near future, as the girls enjoy dressing alike.

Posting Their Photos
The Usually Wear Same Outfits
It’s not uncommon for twins to wear matching outfits, and the Trueblue Twins are no exception. Their mother enjoys shopping for the girls’ clothes and frequently dresses them in cute matching outfits. Stephanie, their mother, has a keen sense of style, as evidenced by their popular Instagram photos. The twins are always elegant in their matching clothes, but because their eyes are different, it’s easy to tell them apart.

The Usually Wear Same Outfits
It’s Always Like A Fashion Show
Stephanie is a proud mother who is always concerned about her twin daughters’ appearance and well-being. She carefully selects their outfits, styles their hair, and adds some adorable accessories to them every day. Stephanie finds time to shop and keep the girls’ wardrobes fresh despite being a busy mom of these young girls. The Trueblue Twins have so much beautiful clothing, it’s almost as if they’re celebrities!

It’s Always Like A Fashion Show
Their Mother Has Blue Eyes
Many people think that African-American adults with blue eyes are wearing contact lenses because blue eyes are uncommon in black people. This isn’t always the case, though. Some black people have a rare gene that causes their eyes to turn blue. Stephanie, the mother of the Trueblue Twins, has blue eyes, and it’s likely that she’ll be asked if she’s wearing colored contacts or not… which she isn’t! Next, learn how to tell them apart.

Their Mother Has Blue Eyes
People Can Tell Them Apart Because Of Their Eyes
Both sisters get this unique gene for blue eyes, which is obvious. Heterochromia is a genetic condition that causes one of the Trueblue Twins’ eyes to be 2 distinct colors. Morgan has one blue eye and one brown eye because she is a twin sister with the condition. The trait distinguishes the twin girls, indicating that they are not identical. Morgan’s heterochromia makes it easier to distinguish between the two. Next, how does Morgan’s condition affect her vision?

People Can Tell Them Apart Because Of Their Eyes
It’s A Rare Condition
Morgan’s eye colors are extremely rare, which is one of the reasons why people can’t help but appreciate the Trueblue Twins. Many people are likely to be seeing someone with 2 different colored eyes for the first time. Although heterochromia iridium can be caused by an injury in some people, this is not the case for Morgan. Her condition has no effect on her vision; it simply adds to her individuality! According to historians, Alexander the Great suffered from the disease as well. Isn’t this going to make it more difficult for her to become a model?

It’s A Rare Condition
It Won’t Drag Her Down
Morgan has a physical characteristic that distinguishes her from other girls due to her rare genetic condition. This, however, is not slowing down her promising modeling career! In fact, it’s likely that it aided her in obtaining new opportunities. Kate Bosworth, Mila Kunis, and Alice Eve are among the many celebrities who have heterochromia. The rare gene is also found in Robert Downey Jr., Simon Pegg, and Henry Cavill.

It Won’t Drag Her Down
Other Members Of Their Family Have It Too
The gene for heterochromia iridium passes in the girls’ family, just like their blue eyes. The twins are bi-racial, and the gene runs in their family on the Caucasian side. Morgan’s great aunt and uncle have various colors of eyes as well, but unlike the Trueblue twins, neither of them is bi-racial. Morgan’s condition appears to be even rarer, as the condition is more common in people of European descent with lighter skin.

Other Members Of Their Family Have It Too
A Lot Of People Saw Their Photos
Stephanie, the mother of the Trueblue Twins, always received a number of likes when she posted photos of the girls on social media. They didn’t become Insta-famous until somebody with a large following shared an image of the twins. Deyonte Hunter, a musician and tattoo artist, shared a photo of the twins on Instagram, and his followers went crazy! Many of them went to Stephanie’s Instagram account to follow her after one of her photos received over 2,000 likes in a single day. Continue to the next page to see more recent photos of the twins.

A Lot Of People Saw Their Photos
6.6 Million Views, 1 Video
A fan went to Stephanie’s Facebook page after Deyonte Hunter shared a picture of Megan and Morgan and formed a video collage of the twins using pictures she shared. Lovell Knight, the girls’ father, confidently shared the video. While he anticipated that fans would enjoy the video, he had no idea that it would be viewed by over 6.6 million people! The Trueblue Twins became a viral sensation almost immediately. The proud parents were ecstatic, looking forward to their daughters’ future.

6.6 Million Views, 1 Video
They Got The Attention Of Some Famous People
The Trueblue Twins’ beauty, as shown in the video and on their mother’s social media accounts, wowed internet users. They soon caught the attention of Hollywood as well! Meagan Good and D.L. Hughley, both actors, came across a photo of Megan and Morgan and shared it with their social media followers. Both of these top celebrities admitted to being fans of the lovely young ladies and wanted to assist them in gaining more exposure as they begin their modeling careers.

They Got The Attention Of Some Famous People
They Got So Popular
The parents of the Trueblue Twins were ecstatic that their daughters were gaining a following and fan base online, but now they have always known they were unique. Since the twins’ birth, their neighbors and community members have stopped to admire them and pay them gracious compliments. The twins didn’t become famous because of their famous parents; rather, their beauty was enough to make them famous.

They Got So Popular
Fan Art
Many of the Trueblue Twins’ fans are also accomplished artists. Megan and Morgan’s fans frequently send them fan art inspired by their beauty. Stephanie, their mother, graciously shares some of the artwork sent to them on their Instagram account, expressing her gratitude. The Trueblue Twins are being treated as if they are as famous as the Olsen twins, despite the fact that they haven’t done much more than share pretty photos on Instagram. And it all happened so quickly.

Fan Art
Considering Her Daughters’ Wants
Stephanie is aware that her twin daughters’ natural beauty could lead to highly qualified modeling careers, but she does not want to force the girls into doing something they do not want to do. Megan and Morgan were told that they could model and have professional photos taken if they wanted to. After hearing from their mother, the Trueblue Twins wants to start posing for some professional photos and see how it turned out.

Considering Her Daughters’ Wants
Protective Father
Lovell Knight, like many fathers, is fiercely protective of his young daughters. He’s both grateful and concerned about what will happen next after sharing the video that launched their modeling careers. Their father ensures that the girls have fun posing for photos while also allowing them to be normal children. Lovell makes certain that everything they do is in his daughters’ best interests.

Protective Father
Growing Too Fast
The Trueblue Twins are fortunate to have such a caring and happy family who is concerned about their well-being. While their parents are ecstatic that their daughters will have the chance to model, they do not want to limit what they can accomplish. As the girls become more well-known, Lovell and Stephanie take the opportunity to teach them how to stay grounded.

Growing Too Fast
Taking Photos With Fans
The Trueblue Twins have become celebrities as a result of the widespread distribution of their photos on the internet. Their admirers and followers frequently approach them and request photos with the girls. Their mother claims that the twins are very sociable with strangers who pay them praise and ask for photos, but she never forces them to pose for strangers. While Megan is always willing to help, Morgan prefers to stay out of photos when she doesn’t know the person.

Taking Photos With Fans
They Love Being In Front Of The Cam
While their parents enjoy photographing them, the Trueblue twins have loved being in front of the camera since they were toddlers. Ebony Morris, the twins’ aunt, even claims that the twins were “born for this” because they’re natural models. Every photo shows the girls having a good time posing and trying out new looks. And they seem to enjoy picking out their outfits as much as their mother does.

They Love Being In Front Of The Cam
They Have A Brother
The Trueblue Twins would not only have one another but also a younger brother. Megan and Morgan spend quality time with their close-knit family and being big sisters. The 3 of them pile into the backseat of a car and enjoy touring their homeland of Philadelphia and beyond with their mother and father. Although their brother’s eyes aren’t the same blue as theirs, they all have a striking resemblance.

They Have A Brother
Being Models
The twins now have 702,000 Instagram followers, and each photo they post receives tens of thousands of likes. Megan and Morgan enjoy being normal children despite their Instagram fame. Their mother claims that they aren’t maturing too quickly, as the twins enjoy the same silly and fun activities as other young girls, such as eating candy, dressing up, and goofing around. These lovely ladies are both professional and fun-loving.

Being Models
Being Famous
Megan and Morgan are well aware that they pose for photos more than the majority of their peers their age, and that not everyone is identified and stopped on the street. However, because they are so young, they have a limited understanding of what is going on and what it means to be famous. They aren’t old enough to have phones or use social media, and they don’t understand what it all means. They allegedly told their teacher that they were famous on “NewTube” in a cute way.

Being Famous
Different Characters And Personalities
It’s like having a built-in best friend when you have a twin. Although the girls spend the majority of their time together, this does not imply that they are identical! Morgan, on the left, enjoys putting on “fashion shows” in which she acts as if she is walking down the catwalk. Megan, on the right, enjoys the glitz and glam of having her hair done before a photoshoot. Their parents enjoy seeing their daughters’ various personalities emerge as they grow older.

Different Characters And Personalities
Their Mother Manages Their Sched
Stephanie started receiving emails and phone calls about scheduling the twins after they expressed interest in modeling. Their mother was astounded by the amount of attention the girls were receiving at such a young age! Stephanie is in charge of all of the twins’ modeling assignments, ensuring that they take advantage of the opportunities while also having time to be kids. Wendy Williams, a talk show host, has approached out to them!

Their Mother Manages Their Sched
Snapchat Filters
The Trueblue Twins enjoy playing with Snapchat filters when their mom lets them borrow her phone, despite the fact that they don’t have their own phones. Megan and Morgan, like other kids, don’t just take serious photos; they also have a lot of fun. The girls have fun with the various Snapchat filters, and their mother occasionally posts amusing photos to their Instagram account. Even if they are now professional models, children will always be children!

Snapchat Filters
Fantastic Wardrobe
The Trueblue Twins, like their mother, have an interest in fashion! Stephanie has often dolled up the girls nicely, but now that they’re professional models, their wardrobe is even better. The girls frequently get to wear the stuff they model in, which they adore! Stephanie will show pictures of the girl dressed up in exchange for keeping the clothes, and brands will be happy to have them represent them.

Fantastic Wardrobe
Fashion Design
Although it may appear that the girls’ outfits are always picked by their parents or experts, this is not always the case! Megan and Morgan like to pick out their own outfits now that they’re older, according to Stephanie. The girls have expressed an interest in fashion and have a good eye for it! Stephanie remembers the girls staying up late modifying their jeans to have frays and holes in them, as seen in current fashion trends.

Fashion Design
Trying Out Different Hairstyles
The Trueblue Twins are known for their stylish hair, which is one of their trademarks. Their mother enjoys experimenting with new hairstyles such as braids, bows, and Bantu knots. Megan enjoys having her hair styled in particular. Fans eagerly anticipate the twins’ next hairstyle, which serves as inspiration for fans to try to recreate the looks themselves. In almost all of their photos, the twins have identical hairstyles.

Trying Out Different Hairstyles
Endorsing Products
Megan and Morgan have formally achieved Instagram influencer status despite their youth, with an incredible 702,000 Instagram followers. Their mother carefully vets product endorsement chances for the girls and chooses a few that she believes are appropriate for the Trueblue Twins’ brand. It’s a true testament to how quickly Instagram fame can grow. With the brand endorsements, the twins will be able to begin saving for their future.

Endorsing Products
Camera Ready
Megan and Morgan enjoy striking a pose for the camera no matter where they are. Despite the fact that they work as professional models, they still enjoy posing for photos taken by their mother with her camera phone. During a trip to Walmart with the family, the girls struck poses for the camera. Megan appears to be ready for her own phone, as she poses with it as if it were her mother’s.

Camera Ready
They Kinda Look Like Rihanna
Many Trueblue Twins fans believe that the two young girls have a resemblance to Rihanna, the singer. Stephanie is a big Rihanna fan, so she styled the girls’ hair in this picture to look like hers. Trueblue Twins fans are looking forward to seeing how the girls mature and develop their own personal style as they get older and discover their own sources of fashion inspiration.

They Kinda Look Like Rihanna
Rihanna As Peg For Halloween
Rihanna appears to be a favorite of more than just mom. The girls tried to dress up as Rihanna’s ANTI World Tour poster for Halloween. Halloween must be a favorite of the twins because it gives them another opportunity to dress up! They’re living their childhood fantasies, getting to try on new clothes and hairstyles each day, and their mom is glad to encourage them and play along. Continue reading to see the girls in their Easter outfits for 2021!

Rihanna As Peg For Halloween
Bright Future Ahead
Another amusing photo of the twins, just being themselves and having a good time. They still enjoy experimenting with new and unique looks and aren’t concerned with being too matchy-matchy all of the time (although they do match outfits on the next slide). There’s a lot going for the twins. Their mother recently shared that they’re enjoying some educational flashcards that teach them about world history, vocabulary, and culture!

Bright Future Ahead
Only time will tell how these fashionable ladies will fare in the future. The Trueblue Twins are likely to be seen for years to come, thanks to their amazing Instagram following and adoring fans. Their encouraging parents are looking forward to seeing which path they choose. These beautiful and naturally talented girls have a bright future ahead of them as they pursue their fashion dreams while also sharing their experiences. Following that, in 2010, the Clements family welcomed twins Ava Marie and Leah Rose Clements, and it was clear from the start that these girls would go far in life. Continue reading to learn more about their unique story.

Coming Out Earlier Than Expected
Ava Marie and Leah Rose, Jaqi Clements’ newborn twins, arrived four and a half weeks early, but Jaqi eventually realized why. “They came four and a half weeks early but knowing their personalities now it makes total sense that they would show up early, unannounced, and ready to take on anything,” Jaqi explained.

Coming Out Earlier Than Expected
Born As Stars
It didn’t take too long for relatives and strangers to recognize how striking the twins’ looks are after they were born. There’s a reason they’re constantly complimented. Their natural beauty has been undeniable since birth; their skin is smooth, their hair is silky, and their perfectly symmetrical faces make them look like they came straight out of a magazine. What were the strangers’ exact words?

Born As Stars
Everyone Thinks They Should Be Models
It’s difficult not to compliment children who are this adorable. Jaqi had been hearing the same statement since the twins were born. Strangers would always say one thing to Jaqi: “Wow they are so beautiful, you should really think about getting them into modeling,” she says. As a result, she decided to take a chance on the girls’ modeling careers.

Everyone Thinks They Should Be Models
Not Enough Time
Jaqi finally did it after being driven to get the twins participating in modeling. When the children were six months old, they were signed up with a Los Angeles-based agency. Jaqi already had a two-year-old son to look after, so this added to her parenting responsibilities. “It was difficult enough to get out the door most days,” Jaqi explained, “so my attempt back then was short-lived and I decided it just wasn’t the time.” The first attempt was only three months long.

Not Enough Time
Back To Normal Life
It was appealing to help her children navigate a modeling career, but it wasn’t the best decision at the time. Jaqi believed that raising the twins alongside their peers was the best option. There were no regrets about removing the children from the modeling industry. Things gradually began to change as time passed. Are you able to predict what happened next?

Back To Normal Life
What Do They Want?
Her hectic schedule as a mother of three kept her from pursuing modeling, but the twins weren’t ready to give up. Their three months of modeling were up, but Jaqi was thinking about something else: the twins’ dreams. Jaqi didn’t want to pressurize the kids into doing something they didn’t want to do because he wanted them to be happy. As a result, she made sure Ava and Leah had a say.

What Do They Want?
The Right Moment
The only problem with Jaqi’s plan to ask the girls is that Ava and Leah were still toddlers at the time. They weren’t mature enough to make their own choices or express themselves clearly. Jaqi and her husband were confused because the kids’ only language was tears. They deliberated long and hard about how and when it was appropriate to let the twins make their own decisions.

The Right Moment
Triple 7
One thing to keep in mind is Jaqi’s strong belief in signs. She considers seven to be her favorite number, so the twins’ birth on 7/7 is no coincidence. The seventh birthday of the little girl was reaching. Jaqi’s mind was ablaze with the prospect of them turning seven on July 7, 2017.

Triple 7
Trying Again
Ava and Leah had established their own identities by the time they were seven years old. They participated in a variety of extracurricular activities, including dance and swimming. “I presented my idea to the girls that, if they were up for it, in addition to their dance classes and swim team practices they had every week, they could give modeling a try,” Jaqi said. What do you think the girls’ reactions were like?

Trying Again
They Love Being In Front Of People
The girls, according to Jaqi, enjoy performing for anyone and everyone. Friends, neighbors, and outsiders are all welcome to watch Ava and Leah perform. Jaqi claims she has no idea where they got their ability to perform from. “I was not surprised at all when they started jumping up and down and couldn’t wait to begin!” Jaqi said. All of the twins were interested in modeling.

They Love Being In Front Of People
Started Modeling Again
The process will almost likely go much more smoothly now that the kids were older and more enthusiastic about modeling. Fortunately, Jaqi’s next-door neighbor had just opened a children’s boutique. She required some models to aid in the promotion of her new company. The job was given to the twins. “Plus, I needed some new photos if I was going to get them an agent so I figured this would be a great opportunity for all of us,” Jaqi explained.

Started Modeling Again
Little By Little
They were still young. Having them put on a lot of makeup and dress up in a bunch of pretty clothes could be harmful to their growth, so Jaqi took things slowly. At first, Jaqi took matters into her own hands. “I dug out my 10-year-old Nikon camera from a bin in the garage, put a few waves in the girl’s hair, dabbed on a little blush, and out we went to take some pictures,” Jaqi explained.

Little By Little
It Takes Time
Ava and Leah have gorgeous appearances but that doesn’t mean they know how to model instinctively. Some things take time to accomplish. During her first shoot with the twins, Jaqi discovered this firsthand. “Ava would look at the camera while Leah would stare off into space… Leah would accidentally bump into Ava who of course thought it was on purpose and would shove her back,” Jaqi recalled. She had to give them a lot of leeways because they were so young.

It Takes Time
Signing With An Agency
Jaqi needed to get the girls back with an agent now that the whole family was on board the modeling train. She was concerned that finding one would be difficult, given that six years had passed since the first attempt. She explained, “I still had a handful of contacts, so I decided to start there,” “To my surprise, I heard back from almost every single one asking to set up a time to meet the girls.” They eventually signed with two agencies, but there was a squabble behind the scenes.

Signing With An Agency
The Problem Of Having 2 Agencies
Jaqi assumed that having two agencies show her daughters meant they would have more opportunities and exposure. Everything was fine until she received a call from one of the agencies. The agent told Jaqi, “Hi, we wanted to let you know we were able to get the girls straight through to a callback for a Barbie Audition tomorrow,” She was terrified because the girls and their other agent had just attended the same audition. She told the truth, and everything was resolved in a matter of hours.

The Problem Of Having 2 Agencies
Getting Exposed In Social Media
In July of 2017, Jaqi started an Instagram account for the girls called @clementstwins. She had no idea what she was doing or whether 300,000 followers was a significant number. Surprisingly, the page began to expand. The Instagram account was created with the intention of serving as a portfolio for agencies and gaining a following. It turned out to be all of that and more.

Getting Exposed In Social Media
Learning About Instagram
The twins’ beauty was only partially the reason for their Instagram account’s success. Jaqi had to employ some strategies in order to amass as many followers as she did. She revealed a few details about herself. She began, “Now, a little over five months later, the girls have over 380,000 followers,” “One thing I know for sure if it’s ALL about the pictures… so don’t settle for an average photographer because you want to save a few dollars.” Do you hear what I’m saying? Take high-quality photographs.

Learning About Instagram
2017 Is Their Year
For the twins and their entire family, 2017 was a fantastic year. Aside from Ava and Leah’s decision to pursue modeling, Jaqi had a feeling 2017 would be a lucky year. “I just had a feeling that this year was going to be a fun and exciting year for them,” Jaqi explained. “Aside from the fact that I’m a huge believer in signs and have been told by almost everyone that 7 is a lucky number, I just had a feeling that this year was going to be a fun and exciting year for them,” Jaqi explained. A mother’s instincts are frequently correct.

2017 Is Their Year
It Runs In The Blood
Ava and Leah were achieving success, but Chase, their older brother, was proving to be a gifted young man as well. Chase has agreed to sign with the same companies as his younger sisters, and he has a little something extra on his resume. Chase not only models, but he also knows how to act. He’s also appeared in a few commercials.

It Runs In The Blood
Work Opportunities
It wasn’t long before everyone realized the girls were born with a natural talent for modeling. They had six jobs in less than a week after deciding to try modeling. While most little girls would have been exhausted by this, they can not get enough of it and also want to do more.

Work Opportunities
Learning The Process
Jaqi is a newcomer to the business. Before diving in, she had no prior knowledge. She is trying to learn more about the industry as time goes on, and she says there are ups and downs. She lists the positive, negative, and ugly aspects of the modeling industry on her blog. The most important lesson she’s learned, she says, is to “is before trusting someone to guide you, make sure you know who you are getting involved with.”

Learning The Process
One Of The Toughest Challenges
One of the most difficult aspects of the girls’ new lives as models, as well as their mother’s, is LA traffic. They travel into downtown Los Angeles several times a week, which can take up to six hours round trip. Although this may appear to be harsh, it is the nature of the game, and they have learned to cope.

One Of The Toughest Challenges
Being Guided Correctly
Jaqi has a set of questions she tells herself before collaborating with someone because she needs guidance but needs to make sure she’s reaching the correct advice from the right people. She believes that if something feels off, trust your instincts and conduct thorough research, as it will pay off in the long run. It’s preferable to be safe rather than sorry.

Being Guided Correctly
Ignoring The Negativity
Jaqi also talks about how difficult it is for her to deal with bad feedback or backlash directed at her daughters or family. It isn’t always easy for her to ignore the negative feedback and focus on the good feedback. She is under a lot of pressure to protect and defend her family, but she reminds herself, “If you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all.”

Ignoring The Negativity
They Look So Down
The girls are frequently told that they appear sad all of the time. Some people interpret this to mean that they are being forced to model and aren’t enjoying themselves. They reply by saying that these photoshoots are required to be more solemn than others, but that if you met them, you’d know they’re anything but sad.

They Look So Down
Wearing Make-Up
One of the most common inquiries the family receives is whether or not the girls are wearing makeup. Not everyone thinks it’s a big deal, though some do believe the girls are too young to be revealed to it at such a young age. However, Jaqi adds, “ln most every job the girl’s book through their agency, or any professional photoshoot they attend, there is a hired hair and makeup artist on set. Why!? Because that’s how the industry works.”

Wearing Make Up
Their Mother’s Pet Peeve
Despite the public’s constant criticism of the girls’ modeling careers, the comment she despises the most is when people say, “Let them be kids.” This irritates her as well as the girls even though modeling is not something they were forced to do; it is genuinely what they enjoy doing and how they want to spend all their time.

Their Mother’s Pet Peeve
More Than Just Modelling
Despite the fact that modeling now occupies a significant portion of their time, the two twins are still typical little girls. They still enjoy teasing each other during photo shoots, making music playlists in the car, and getting on each other’s nerves. However, once they started modeling, the two had always enjoyed dancing and used to do so in front of the camera. Maybe that’s why they’re so good at it!

More Than Just Modelling
The Benefits
Modeling can be tiring, especially with all of the touring and planning, but it has also helped to bring the family closer together. Each trip is described as a new experience that they get to share, and as a result, they spend more time together than most families. They are constantly meeting new people and making new friends, which is all part of the experience.

The Benefits
More Benefits
The advantages go beyond having to spend more time as a family and meeting new kids their age with common interests. They are commonly sent new products and clothing to test for other companies, and they enjoy doing so during photo shoots. They then lend a hand to the businesses by tagging them in photographs or providing them a shoutout on social media.

More Benefits
How To Gain Popularity On Instagram
You don’t get 300,000 Instagram followers in such a short period of time unless you’re doing something right. Fortunately for us, Jaqi has a few tricks up her sleeve that has transformed her little girls from Instagram newbies to Instagram superstars. Even Jaqi went from understanding very little about social media to becoming a social media expert. Continue to learn more about Jaqi’s private life.

How To Gain Popularity On Instagram
Don’t Post Too Much
To avoid people becoming bored with your account or forgetting about it, Jaqi suggests posting in moderation but on a regular basis. People are more likely to unfollow you if you overpost when you are taking up their entire timeline. This is crucial for gaining and keeping followers.

Don’t Post Too Much
The Importance Of Hashtags
Another thing to keep in mind when it comes to a girl’s Instagram account is how she uses hashtags. Jaqi has figured out a formula for getting the girls as much exposure as possible without going overboard with hashtags. She uses hashtags that are similar to those used by other models her age, allowing her to be found through the accounts of other models.

The Importance Of Hashtags
It Helps In Getting More Likes
Tagging people is also crucial to the success of the girl’s Instagram account. It not only shows their gratitude for their makeup artists, photographers, designers, and others, but it also links to their Instagram pages when those people are searched. Jaqi also makes a point of tagging both in the photo and in the comments to ensure that the tag is not missed.

It Helps In Getting More Likes
Following The Right People
Of course, if you run a popular Instagram account, you’ll want to follow a few people so that more people will follow you. At first, Jaqi learned to follow everyone, including other child models, photographers, children’s stores, and so on. She then went back and only followed the pages they wanted to follow after they had a large following.

Following The Right People